Working on behalf of local survivors 

Through CAASE’s Pro Bono Program, private firm attorneys dedicate time to help local survivors of sexual assault and sex trafficking to ensure that:

  • Survivors of sexual violence in Chicago have the quality legal counsel they want and need, particularly as they attempt to vindicate their civil rights;
  • Survivors are supported when navigating the criminal justice system in their pursuit of justice against their perpetrators.

CAASE attorneys assess a client’s legal needs and eligibility for services, link them with pro bono attorneys, and provide ongoing support and technical assistance to pro bono attorneys representing CAASE-referred clients.

Contact Us To Learn More

CAASE’s Pro Bono Program is a vital part of CAASE’s Legal Program. It helps us serve more clients, provides high-quality representation to survivors, and connects attorneys with fulfilling volunteer opportunities.

If you are interested in getting involved with our Pro Bono Program, contact

What Our Pro Bono Partners Do

Attorneys may help survivors of sexual assault or sex trafficking who:

  • Are seeking a protective order through litigation under the Illinois Civil No Contact Order Act: an estimated 12 to 24 hours of work over 3 to 10 months; work requires multiple court appearances, possible depositions, motions practice, and settlement. 
  • Want assistance with asserting their rights as victims of crime within the criminal justice system: an estimated 12 to 18 hours of work over 2 to 12 months; work involves many phone calls, some in-person meetings with police and prosecutors, and occasional legal research. It could require intervening in criminal proceedings if the survivor’s rights are violated.
  • Need assistance with vacating or expunging criminal records received as a result of sex trafficking: an estimated 20 to 40 hours of work over a 6 to 15 month time period; work generally requires substantive investigation, both into criminal records and with potential sources of testimony, motion writing, and court appearances.
  • Are seeking to file suit against their perpetrator in Illinois state civil court for monetary damages or injunctive relief under the Illinois Gender Violence Act or other applicable laws: an estimated 20 to 40 hours of work over a 6 to 15 month time period; work generally requires sending demand letters, settlement negotiations, court appearances, possible depositions, and motions practice.

You can read more about our pro bono partnerships and examples of how they have supported survivors in these blog posts.

If you are interested in getting involved with our Pro Bono Program, contact